Part 15
Finishing a few things up before we leave, Azalea Town.

Shitashi uses his wiseness to strike down Bayleef with little effort.

KGBAgent185 posted:
I don't get his hatred for Team Rocket, wouldn't Giovanni be all up in getting the crew back together?
I understand him being upset that they are "weak" but there has to be an upper tier that would just smack his ass back down to earth.
Events of Red/Blue
-Giovanni disbands Team Rocket after his defeat by Red in Viridian Gym
-Red trashes a Rocket warehouse on Five Island.
-The Admin in the island vows to bring Team Rocket together again
-Team Rocket goes underground
Events of Gold/Silver
-Three years later, Team Rocket resurfaces with their whole Slowpoke Tail scheme.
It's weird. Because Gen3 is supposed to be happening simultaneously.KGBAgent185 posted:
I forget that technically Fire Red/Leaf Green take place before this game, since they're newer and a remake indeed. ><
Silly me.
So this thread is technically three years after the Emerald thread.